Ep. #55 - Change Of Schedule Due To COVID-19

Show Episode Transcript
Did you miss me? Or did you even notice that I didn't put out an episode last week - for the first time since I started this Podcast. I left you hanging... Unacceptable! But I'll explain...
Welcome to Episode #55 - Change Of Schedule Due To COVID-19
So I'll be taking a brief break from releasing regular weekly episodes of the show - while we get through "The Great COVID-19 Shutdown of 2020". Now that's not to say I won't continue to release episodes, but they won't be on a regular weekly Tuesday schedule as before. They're now likely to come every other week or so, on different days, and no less than once a month - until we can return to some semblance of normality in the world. For instance, when I'm no longer forced to be my son's school teacher... I haven't seen a fully productive day in weeks - since this shutdown began.
But not only that... I really don't want to be speaking about Corona-virus on EVERY show. And with people suffering both physically and economically from this virus - loved one's alone in hospitals, infected nursing homes and can't receive visits - some people forced to wait in long food lines because they've got no money coming in and the promised government assistance has yet to arrive for most people... It's not really a good look for me to be doing what many perceive as "bragging" about my latest rehab project or Rental Property acquisition.
I also don't want to come off looking bad, putting out a bunch content about dealing with Tenants who can't pay rent (or any of that) - as its often just not possible for people to properly perceive things during circumstances like this. I could easily be misunderstood. How heartless of me for not wanting to be forced to support other families when I've got my own family to support. Listening to most people talk about the need for paying rent and you'd think I'm a horrible person for actually expecting tenants to uphold their lease (the lease being the legally binding contract they voluntarily entered into) - to pay their rent each month, among other requirements.
No... Apparently Tenants are supposed to be just allowed to NOT pay (and NOT be evicted) - which means they are essentially borrowing money from the Landlord, who may still be responsible for paying the Mortgage, Taxes, Insurance, HOA... And without rent coming in - to pay it all out of pocket! When those expenses were supposed to be covered by the rent. So instead of ranting about things like this each week, sounding heartless in the process - I'm going to just keep my mouth shut (as best I can anyway). Because no-one wants to hear me complain about such things, week after week.
And hey, I get it - there's a valid argument on the tenant's side as well. They likely had a job and were paying rent on-time, then Corona-virus comes along and forces the government to shut everything down, and so now they can't work (due to no fault of their own) - so now what are they to do? Its a dilemma... One that I don't want to debate on this show every week, as you can't persuade a person to think differently about anything against their will and benefit. That effort is a complete waste of time. And its easy for ME to say how someone can prepare in advance for occurrences like this. Nope...
Instead, I'm going to just play some video games with my son. Get my patience up to now be his school teacher (hopefully without choking him). And work on my existing rehab projects. I don't expect to be buying anything new in the next month or two anyway - since both Private Lenders and Hard Money Lenders are largely scared to fund any deals right now anyway. But if you're a potential Private Lender with $100K or so that you'd like to invest for 18 to 24 months at a rate of 7% to 10% - reach out and I'll let you know how Private Lending works with me and Blue Chariot.
Other than that, I'll not likely be doing much in Real Estate (as an Investor anyway) - until July or August. I'll just sit back and manage by existing properties. But I will certainly be performing as a Realtor, as I think this is about to be a great time for those who are already established in the business - as a Realtor. In fact, that will be the topic of one of my coming shows... "Realtors... Are you Paying Attention? Opportunity!" - is all around us.
Maybe I'll release that next Tuesday, but if not, now you'll know why. I'm still here and still well - but I'm going to relax a bit and so for the next few months or so, I'll not be strictly adhering to the prior every Tuesday release schedule. And I had some great content in the pipeline, but now's not the time to release content that may be invalidated by COVID-19.
I mean, look... Just 5 episodes ago, episode #50 was titled "Do You Think Your Market Is Too Hot?" and then the very next episode #51 was "The Rich Buy Assets, While The Poor Buy Toilet Paper". Now that episode got a lot of attention. But, one week... There was only one week in between those two episodes - and how different they were. So anything I put out now may be invalidated the following week (or day). And I don't want to be talking about COVID-19 every week, as I've done to some extent since episode #51.
And I don't see that changing anytime soon. If there's an asteroid headed for the earth - you don't talk about how your rental properties are performing. You talk about the asteroid and what remains of life. And so what aspects of life aren't now impacted by Coronavirus?
So I'm taking a bit of a break until I have something really relevant to talk about - or just to check in and give an update as to how things are progressing. I'll be putting that extra time into being my son's school teacher; trying to stay virus free; recruiting more Private Lenders; growing my Realty business, and on...
We'll get through this... Stay safe and virus free. Episode #56 will be coming soon, and so will #57 and on... Just not as regular on every Tuesday as before until things get back to - normal. Whatever that looks like post Corona-virus.
CHANGE OF SCHEDULE DUE TO COVID-19... That's not just the title of this episode, but also an announcement. Because I'd rather not talk about Corona-virus week after week (and some other reasons) - I'm temporarily changing the schedule of the show from a weekly Tuesday release, to be a little more flexible and random. For the next month (or few), I'll still be releasing episodes, but maybe not weekly (at least once per month) - and not always on a Tuesday.
So I cover my reasons in the episode (there is some content here, not just the announcement) - and among them is that I'm now my son's school teacher, like all you other parents out there. Well, my days for packed enough to begin with, and I already worked from home. But now my son is here with me each day with schools closed, so much of my attention (and time) goes to him these crazy Covid-18 days. Not getting a lot done as a result.
So that, and not wanting to just speak about the Corona-virus elephant in the room on each show - has me seeking to change things up a bit. I also mention during this episode, how content I put out just 5 shows ago, was invalidated a mere week later by Covid-19 - so I want to put out some more timeless content, which will take me a bit more prep time than what the weekly schedule permits while also teaching 8th grade along with all else that I've got going on.
So I'm going to take some time to be my son's best day, improve my businesses, get some of my on-going projects done, still put out content for the show (just not weekly for a bit) - and we'll get through this pandemic soon enough. Regardless, the show will go on - and I think it will end up even better as a result.